Call for proposals – Study on why deforestation has been reduced in Indonesia
Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN) is seeking a consultant/a team of consultants/an academic institution to undertake a research study on why deforestation has been substantially reduced in Indonesia the last few years.
Air Terjun Tiu Kelep waterfall in the rainforest on the Indonesian island of Lombok. Photo: Shutterstock
RFN is one of Europe’s leading organisations in the work to protect the world’s rainforests and strengthen the rights of indigenous peoples, in cooperation with indigenous and environmental organisations in Southeast Asia, Central Africa and the Amazon.
Purpose and scope
The purpose of this study is to provide research-based answers to why deforestation in Indonesia has been substantially reduces the last couple of years (from 2019-2020 onwards). We ask the applicant to recommend methods for this study but foresee a combination of literature review and independent data collection.
We request proposals to include suggested research methods and hypothesis’ to be tested.
The study is first and foremost for internal use but could be presented externally. Any external use will be discussed between the consultant and RFN.
Timeline and budget
The research is planned to be conducted in the period October – December 2023, but can be changed after dialog with RFN. The total budget, including travels and VAT, is not to exceed 300 000 NOK (USD 27 950 per 22.09.2023).
Qualification and composition of the team
The review shall be carried out by one or more consultants. Among the proposed teams, RFN will select the team that provides best value for money based on a consideration of a) to what extent the team is well suited for the task, emphasising in-depth expertise (including academic work) and the relevance of the specific technical expertise and experience of the team member(s), and b) the costs expressed in daily fees.
When assessing the qualifications of the team, RFN will look particularly for the following:
- Demonstrated research skills including research methodologies
- Experience from analysis of similar nature, including in the forest sector
- Good understanding of forest issues, including policy assessments and knowledge of relevant contexts
- Language proficiency in Bahasa and English. If languages cannot be covered by the team, please present a plan (incl. budget) for the use of translators.
Consultant’s proposal
Questions regarding the assignment can be submitted to andershl@rainforest.no
The candidates must submit the following:
- CV of the team leader for the assessment, team roles, and a brief summary (maximum two pages combined) of their qualifications as well as experience in carrying out similar activities and examples of results obtained, sources and amounts of funding for such projects, and a few contacts for reference.
- Proposed methodology and hypothesis, max 4 pages.
- A budget for the evaluation, including daily fees based on 8 working hours per day. If team members have different fees, the expected division of labour between them must be indicated. Include any other costs necessary to carry out the review. Travel costs will be agreed separately, based on economy class travel and compensated according to Norwegian government travel regulations.
- If the consultant(s) is not located in Oslo, the costs for at least one travel to Oslo.
Proposals must be sent to andershl@rainforest.no (cc: oivind@rainforest.no) by the end of 25th of October 2023, marked with “Indonesia deforestation assessment” and your organisation’s name in the subject field.

Anders Haug Larsen
International Advocacy Director
(+47) 932 17 626