Save the rainforest!

Indigenous peoples and local communities are the guardians of the rainforests. Stand with them to protect nature and fight climate change. Donate below today.

Join the movement - protect the rainforest

A unique and threatened ecosystem

The tropical rainforest. The oldest ecosystem on earth teeming with life. Up to 80 percent of all species on land and millions of Indigenous peoples live here.

Unfortunately, the world’s rainforests are under severe threat and rapidly disappearing because of human activity.

When the rainforest is destroyed, cultural and biological diversity is lost. Unique cultures and knowledge. Beautiful plants. Spectacular animals. And more species of ant in a single tree than in the whole of the United Kingdom. Gone forever.

When the rainforest is destroyed, millions of Indigenous peoples and local communities lose their homes and their connection to the land. We can’t let this happen!

Preserving nature - Protecting rights - Fighting climate change

When we lose the rainforest, we aren’t just losing a treasure chest of life, but also one of our most effective tools in the fight against catastrophic climate change. An intact forest with rich biodiversity is nature’s own technology for capturing and storing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide, the gas most responsible for driving climate change. That’s why our mission is to strive for a world where the rainforest is protected and the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities are respected.

Support the guardians of the rainforest

Indigenous peoples and local communities are the guardians of the rainforest. Where Indigenous peoples' and local communities rights to their lands are upheld, the rainforest remains intact. By supporting their fight to defend their rights and protect their land, we can save the remaining rainforests. But we can’t do this without your support and the support of countless others who care about nature and respect human rights.

Please consider supporting the rainforest by giving a donation to Rainforest Foundation Norway. Your donation will make a difference.

Thank you.

Rainforest Foundation Norway is subject to government oversight and annual audits. We are approved by the Norwegian Control Committee for Fundraising in Norway. Approved organizations are required to follow specific accounting rules and are subject to external control mechanisms. They must submit annual reports that are made publicly available. Our annual reports are available here. (In Norwegian only)