How we work on the ground

Because we work together with forest peoples, we are present on the ground in seven rainforest countries, supporting programmes and projects in cooperation with local organisations, indigenous peoples, and traditional populations of the rainforest.

We promote culturally adapted education, enabling many to read and write in their own language.

We stand with forest peoples on the front line

One of our key goals is to contribute to the strengthening of civil society in rainforest countries.

We therefore collaborate with around 50 local and national environmental, indigenous and human rights organizations in six rainforest countries, building long-term partnerships with legitimate and representative organizations with the aim of enhancing their capacity and effectiveness and elaborating shared strategies.

Our partners are the most important source of first-hand information we have about what happens on the ground in the rainforest, and our relationship with them is based on mutual respect, long-term commitment, decisiveness, and the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Empowering the people of the rainforest to say no

The rainforest cannot be saved unless its inhabitants have the means to defend it and safeguard it. That is why we are working to provide education and secure the basic rights of the forest’s inhabitants – so that they can say “No!” and cite the law next time those who wish to exploit their forest encroach on their lands, waving a document.

260 million people

If the rainforest was a country, it would be the world's fourth most populous, with its 260 million inhabitants.


Here are the five most important tools we employ in cooperation with our local partners:

SCHOOL: Culturally adapted education is part of what we provide in project countries.

  • Training in legal matters and in the basic rights of people who live in the rainforest or depend on it for their livelihood.
  • Legal assistance to rainforest communities, enabling them to go to court to protect their forest and defend it against logging, petroleum, palm oil and mining companies.
  • Support to construct and man control posts so that communities in the rainforest themselves can prevent incursions from illegal loggers and gold miners.
  • Basic literacy and maths training where desired and where necessary to understand laws and regulations or to develop alternative and environmentally friendly sources of income.
  • Training and technical equipment to make maps so forest people can document their traditional use of, and rights to, the forest, thereby preventing the authorities from offering it to logging and mining companies.