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Read more about: Southeast Asia, The Amazon, Central Africa, climate, Rainforest Foundation Norway, human rights, consumer affairs, Norway's sovereign wealth fund and drivers of deforestation.
A new attack on indigenous rights in Brazil could have major consequences
Lula approves six new indigenous territories
Peruvian indigenous leader killed
Nickel mining boom poses threat to Indonesian forests and Indigenous peoples
EU failed to cut soy and palm oil from biofuels
New study: European leather use could determine future of the Brazilian Amazon
Talks between Biden and Lula spark hope for the Amazon
Yanomami Territory: Chilling increase in child mortality
Global Biodiversity Conference: Success of new nature agreement depends on rainforest protection
New EU law to stop deforestation products from entering Europe
Global Biodiversity Conference: Rainforest protection is key to successful nature agreement
Auto sector falls short in addressing its deforestation footprint